Monday, October 4, 2010

HW 10/4

Hello. I would like to remind you that it is important to continue to work on your college essays. If we accept the notion that these are an important part of the college application process, then it is critical to write the best essays we can. For most of us, this is not an easy task. The first draft of your essay is due on Friday the 15th. I will need to meet with you to go over your essays and discuss any issues that may be present. I will pass out a sign up sheet for conferences starting tomorrow. If you are having trouble with any part of it, please feel free to see me.

I know that we have fallen a bit behind, but this is not a major concern. I have built in some extra days at the end of the unit. So, we can make adjustments as we go.

For tonight, please make sure that you have read the stories, "Gooseberries," and "A Worn Path."

Answer the following questions for Welty:

(Structure) (a) It's been said that this story's plot or structure could be seen as spatially organized: the main character moves from point A past points B, C, D, and E, to get to point F--a geographical journey that also corresponds to the overcoming of several obstacles along the literal path. How does this structure or organization itself help to convey ideas about or what Welty wants our attitude to be toward the main character? (b) How does the story's setting--the particular time of year--add to the difficulty of the journey? (c) How does the main character's clothing add to the difficulty of the journey? (d) How do b and c contribute to themes and ideas that emerge from (a) in this question?

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