Thursday, February 24, 2011

Break HW

Hello. I hope you are all having a great break. I just realized that some of you may have been absent on the last day of school. Here are the questions that need to be answered by Monday. Sorry for the delay. Enjoy the rest of your break.

Prologue and Parados Questions:

1.              In their first scenes together, Antigone and Ismene are foils, characters who have contrasting or opposite qualities.  How would you characterize each sister?  Does Sophocles seem to side with one sister over the other?  Explain in detail.

2.              In verbal irony, what is said is the opposite of what is meant.  Where does Antigone use verbal irony in her scenes with Ismene?  How does this make you feel about Antigone?

Scene One and Ode One:

3.              Dramatic Irony is a situation in which the audience knows something that a character does not.  What dramatic irony do you sense each time Creon refers to the “man” who has buried Polyneices?

4.              On the basis of Scene One, how would you characterize Creon’s strengths and weaknesses as a leader?  Is he a believable character?  Why, or why not?

Scene Two and Ode 2

4. What would you say is the greatest force motivating Antigone in this scene – pride, love, or principle?  Explain your response.

5.              The Chorus makes an allusion, or reference, to the Oedipus myth.  Look back at those pages.  Why does “God’s vengeance” loom over the House of Oedipus?  What human fault dos the Chorus say is responsible for this “curse of heaven”?

Scene Three and Ode 3

6.              At this point in the play, do you think that both Antigone and Creon should be more yielding, or do you believe that there are some principles that a person cannot compromise?  Explain your opinion.
8.              Why do you think Creon changes his mind about how to punish Antigone?  How can he believe that he can absolve himself, or the state, of the death?

Scene Four and Ode Four

8.              How is Antigone’s tone in this scene different from her tone in earlier scenes?  Do you think the change results from circumstance or from a change in her character? Explain.

9.              How do you feel about the Chorus’s opinion that Antigone is responsible for her own death?

Scene 5, Paean, and Exodos

10. Why is it ironic that the prophet Teiresias is blind?

Longer Reponses:

7.              Find lines from the play that you think are especially important.  Then, state what you think is the main theme in the play – what does it reveal about human life?  How do you feel about the theme?
At the end of this tragedy, Eurydice blames Creon for the disastrous turn of events.  Creon accepts her curse, saying, “I alone am guilty.” What do you think of Creon’s statement of sole responsibility?  

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

HW 2/16

Hello. For this evening's HW, I would like you to closely read "Jocasta." Consider any significant themes, ideas, images, etc. while you read. You should be done with Oedipus at this point. We will take a test on the play on Friday, and you will have to work on the other two plays over the break. You have a great deal of reading to do at this point, so please work on that. Have a great night.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

HW 2/15

Please complete the play this evening. If you did not do your reading, schedule, please do it this evening. have a great night.

Monday, February 14, 2011

HW 2/14

Hello. Sorry for the late post, but I had PM school today. For tonight, please read up to page 60 in the text. I will allow some additional time for answering questions in class. Have a good night.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Weekend HW 2/12-2/14

Hello. For this weekend I would like you to read up to the part where Creon "enters from the side" and addresses the citizens. He says, "I hear King Oedipus levels terrible charges against me. I had to come. I resent it deeply." I have a different version, so look for this part about 30 pages into the play. Please read the text closely. Answer one question:

This play is know for its various levels of irony. What is ironic about Oedipus' statement to the citizens: "Well I know you are sick to death, all of you, but sick as you are, not one is sick as I" (Your book may be a little different. but the message should be similar).

Here are a few other books for your independent reading assignment:

Ford Madox Ford (The Good Soldier)
Saul Bellow (The Adventures of Augie March)

Truman Capote (In Cold Blood)
Emily Bronte (Wuthering Heights)
Anita Desai (Clear Light of Day)
Raymond Carver (
Henry Fielding (Tom Jones)
Margaret Atwood (The Handmaid's TaleAlias GraceSurfacing)
Jane Austen (Pride and Prejudice)
James Baldwin (
Go Tell It on the Mountain)
Charlotte Bronte (
Jane Eyre)Charles Dickens (A Tale of Two CitiesGreat Expectations)
Louise Erdich (Antelope Wife)E.M. Forster (A Passage to India)
Kurt Vonnegut (Slaughterhouse Five)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

HW 2/8

Hello. For tonight, I would like you to read the two essays closely and make marginal notes. Using the rubric, determine what the score is and point out the positive and negative attributes of the paper. What did the student do well? What did he/she do poorly? How is the intro? Did they mention the author? did they mention the techniques? Is it organized?  We will work on the final paragraph and go over them with each other tomorrow. Have a good night.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Three questions for HW

Hello. Please answer the following questions for homework. This is due tomorrow.
Have a good day

A. If Gilgamesh represents the pride of civilization, what might Enkidu represent? Give reasons for your answer.
B. What role do literary images play in conveying the story's intent? Give examples of images and what they communicate.
C. Which of the eternal questions/conflicts seem to be embedded in the story? Explain with evidence from the text.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

HW 2/3

Hello. I have attached the next reading for the class. Please read the story carefully. Consider any themes that may be present as well as any issues the text may raise. I will give you a related handout for this weekend's homework. Please be reminded that the next set of reading cards is due on Tuesday. Have a great night.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Homework 2/1

Hello. I did want to give you the next assignment for our class. I would like you to work on the next 5 reading cards. Please follow the format from the last assignment. If you no longer have it, please see me and I will get you another one. The due date for the next 5 will be 2/8. No exceptions. Please stay on top of your work. Assignments must be turned in on time, or they will be subject to a significant point reduction. Independent reading assignment 3 will be assigned this week and due at the end of the marking period. We will begin working on a new text and, of course, more AP prep. Have a good night.