Tuesday, September 14, 2010

HW 9/14

Good evening.

Thanks for a good discussion today. It was nice to have the input from so many different students. For those who did not comment today. Please be prepared to contribute in the near future.

I must admit that the the short class is taking a little getting used to. I am used to having so much time with my AP kids, that 45 minutes seems to fly by. I will really have to learn to cut to the chase. As far as the lesson was concerned, I really wanted you to see how a story needs to be deconstructed for its individual parts before we can really understand the meaning behind an author's words. Understanding theme is a key component to doing well in AP. To that end, I would like you to do two things tonight:

1. Come up with two possible themes for Pirandello's story, "War." I will give an example, so you can see what I expect.

Ex: There are times when those deeply buried in their own grief find it impossible to see others' tragedy in their isolation: hence they remain incapable of sympathy and understanding of other people's heartache.

2. Write a one paragraph analytical response to one of the following topics:

a. Why is the fat woman's question, "Then is your son dead?" of primary importance to the resolution of the story, "War"?

b. The aura created around the fat woman amounts to an enigma until the end of the story. Plan and write a paragraph clarifying for the reader the techniques Pirandello employs in presenting the fat woman.

Have a great night. Email if you have questions.

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